Shelter’s Pride is Showing!

What is Pride Month? The U.S. is among many countries around the globe celebrating Pride month at various times throughout the year. Ours began June 28, 1969, when New York City Police raided one of the area’s most popular gay bars, the Stonewall Inn. Over the next...

Kids and the Mental Health Pandemic

Since March of 2020, the pandemic fists have been pummeling children from every direction, just as they have adults, but often in different ways. Before we can learn how to help our kids, we need to know their challenges, and there we have help. For example,...

What Happened to COVID Vaccines for Kids?

Social media has many uses these days but being a reliable resource for facts isn’t one. It’s like the kids’ game telephone; one person whispers into someone’s ear an anecdote about a turtle crossing a stream to meet a butterfly. The story is whispered from person to...

YOU Be the Judge!

For the majority of voters, the judicial races, aka all those unfamiliar names at the bottom of the ballot, get either a default vote of “yes,” “no,” or they skip over them, saying, “I don’t know anything about them.” Local judges have as much impact on your life, if...

Safe Social Media For Kids

During social isolation, many kids and their families have attributed social media for keeping them sane, and connectivity is an undeniable benefit of today’s technology. With 95% of teens having access to a smartphone, they can communicate with friends and...