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Meet the Student Who Keeps Kids on Track

Meet the Student Who Keeps Kids on Track

Before completing his freshman year in college, Noah Mayo was making plans for this summer. He would continue his track workouts for his body, take two summer classes for his brain, but as he says, he “wanted to do something to help others and feed his soul.” Noah...

Meet the Student Who Keeps Kids on Track

Before completing his freshman year in college, Noah Mayo was making plans for this summer. He would continue his track workouts for his body, take two summer classes for his brain, but as he says, he “wanted to do something to help others and feed his soul.”
Noah researched where his talents could be applied and heard from his grandmother about Shelter and the Boys’ Group Home.

Making Summer Memories

While every youth in our Emergency Group Homes has experienced a unique and difficult journey, they deserve happy summer memories like all kids. Unfortunately, childhood and summer end all too soon, and both should be enjoyed to the fullest.

Shelter’s Pride is Showing!

Children and adolescents who identify as LGBTQ+, just like all children, enter the child welfare system because their biological families cannot provide safe and nurturing homes. However, LGBTQ+ youths are overrepresented in the system.
Multiple studies show between 25 – 43% of LGBTQ+ youth are homeless because of their family’s non-acceptance of their sexual orientation or gender identity…

Kids and the Mental Health Pandemic

Since March of 2020, the pandemic fists have been pummeling children from every direction, just as they have adults, but often in different ways. Before we can learn how to help our kids, we need to know their challenges, and there we have help.

Foster Care Programs: Because Every Child Deserves a Family

May being National Foster Care Month, I asked Erica Schultz, our Foster Care Licensing Specialist, what she would like to tell people about our programs. Two things immediately came to her mind.
First, the goals of Shelter’s Foster Care Programs are different from adoption agencies. The purpose of adoption agencies is to facilitate adoptions between birth parents and adoptive parents. Adoption is a forever commitment…

Leah’s Story: A Helping Hand Prevents Neglect

Child neglect, a form of child abuse, can be defined as not meeting a child’s needs in any of four areas: physical, medical, emotional, or educational. Yet, some of a child’s needs, like food and shelter, are more obvious than others.
Until babies come with instruction books, parenting skills need to be learned. Some learn from their parents or other family members. For those without the benefit of positive and knowledgeable role models, parenting can be especially frightening and overwhelming…

Shelter Confronts Child Welfare Inequity

The harsh reality is not all children are represented equally in the child welfare system, nor do they have equal outcomes. For example, in the American population of children, African Americans make up 15%, but they represent 33% of foster care children. Yet, study after study show child abuse and neglect is lower in Black families than white families…

Celebrating Black History Month

During her 40-year career as a judge in the Domestic Relations Court, Jane saw the worst domestic violence cases, child neglect, discrimination, and the effects of poverty. Being a life-long advocate for children, she made significant changes that last today. Among her accomplishments was ending race-based assignments of juvenile probation officers and ensuring childcare agencies could no longer deny children help because of ethnic background, furthering children’s rights and children’s education….

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